What the hell is the difference?

Many of you newbies to tea may have asked yourselves: ‘What is the difference between a teapot and a tea kettle?’


Ahhhhh, I searched for the answer to this so long ago, and I’d like to share it with you.

To properly heat your water, you use a tea kettle. No tea goes in this device. There are many many different kettles, from electronic to…other kinds. Ha.

The teapot is where the tea comes into play. Place the correct amount of tea in your infuser basket and put the basket in your teapot. THEN, take your pre-heated water from the kettle and pour over your loose tea and into the teapot. Close the lid of your teapot and let the tea steep for its alotted time depending on the type of tea (checkout Nicole’s Complete Guide to Steeping and Re-steeping Tea on my blog.) When the brew time is up, remove the infuser basket and replace the lid on the teapot. Your tea is now ready to pour and enjoy. Done. If you have any questions, leave a comment and I’ll totally comment back with the best answer I can provide.

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